A Thriller by David Pratt
Every gay kid needs an ally who would kill for him. And bake, too.
"A zany cannibalistic farce just right for the YA crowd but adult enough for older readers." -- Jerry L. Wheeler, Out in Print
"A helI of a book. It will pull your emotions, knowing what some kids have to go through. I loved Todd. He knew what people were doing was wrong, and he wanted to make it right. There is humor and most of all, love and acceptance. An outstanding read." -- Becca Waldrop, Love Bytes Reviews
"Sex and violence snuggle up between the covers of Todd Sweeney. This Grand Guignol comedy serves up ample helpings of cannibalism, onanism, blood-soaked sex and conversion therapy. Think "Riverdale" with raunch. Amidst the comedic mayhem, there's a surprisingly effective eroticism at play. -- Jim Gladstone, Passport